Flow decree italy 2019

decree on flow 2019

The decree regarding the flow of immigration 2019

The forms for the precompiling of applications for self-employed and subordinate workers, seasonal and non-seasonal are available from 11 April 2019.

There will be 30.850 non-European workers who will be able to enter in Italy regularly thanks to the decree regarding the flow of immigration 2019 (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 12 March 2019, published in the Official Gazette General Series No.84 of 9 April 2019).

The entrance quotas will be subdivided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies between the regions and the autonomous provinces and are so distinct:

12.850 for the non-seasonal subordinate job, self-employment, and conversions (non-European citizens who have completed training and education programs in the Countries of origin, Italian origin workers residing in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil and non-European citizens for self-employment, residence permits conversions for the subordinate job and for self-employment).

18.000 for seasonal subordinate job in the agricultural and tourist-hospitality sectors (non-European citizens for seasonal subordinate job of Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea-Republic of Korea, Ivory Coast Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Former Jugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine).

decree on flow 2019

How to submit the application

The informatic procedure for submitting applications is on the web site https://nullaostalavoro.dlci.interno.it

Users are requested to authenticate themselves only through SPID credentials.

The forms for the precompiling of applications of all entrance’s types are available from 11 April 2019.

Non-seasonal subordinate job

The applications for entrance authorization for non-seasonal subordinate job, self-employment and for the conversions of permissions can be sent from 9.00 on 16 April 2019.

Seasonal job

The applications for entrance authorization for the seasonal job can be sent from 9.00 on 24 April 2019.

Send deadline

The deadline for submitting applications is 31 December 2019.

    avvocato per stranieri, pratiche immigrazioni

    About the Author

    Portale Immigrazione
    Redazione di portale immigrazione e permesso di soggiorno

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